Download our parametric BIM models

Frenger produces parametric BIM models by use of REVIT for their wide range of Chilled Beams, from the standard CICB's (Ceiling Integrated Chilled Beams) units to bespoke project specific MSCB's (Multi-Service Chilled Beams) units, which have a variety of options to suit any project specific requirements.
To download our standard Chilled Beam BIM models please visit If you require bespoke models, please contact

To keep Frenger's Chilled Beams at the forefront of space conditioning technology, Frenger employ the use of a wide variety of in-house design software. These range from 2D and 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) packages to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and lighting calculation design programs (DIALux and Relux) to allow all aspects of the use of chilled beams to be developed and refined to the highest levels. Using CAD software allows Frenger's chilled beams to be sized and configured on a project by project basis and enables photo realistic architectural 3D images to be rendered.